Ketamine Therapy and Money Blocks

Is there something standing in the way of a thriving relationship with your money? Despite learning skills for budgeting, saving, and negotiating, you still feel worried about your money much of the time. To change your financial life, you have to change your habits, but even more importantly you have to change your money beliefs. These limiting beliefs often drive away not only money, but out peace itself. This is what we call a Money Block.

Where did this money block come from, and how can ketamine-assisted therapy help?

Around here, we talk a lot about Financial Trauma (adverse events that lead to unhelpful money beliefs). Financial Trauma is one of the main causes for Money Blocks. When we experience a Financial Trauma, it instills in us beliefs about ourselves, the world, and money. Much of the time, these beliefs are subconscious, meaning we are not fully aware of them. 

Most of our decisions (around 90%) are made by the subconscious. Financial decisions are not different. Guided by habit, genetics, our environment, and past experiences, the subconscious will usually decide on a route forward before our conscious mind is aware of it. The subconscious is working hard to make sense of the world and how we fit into it. It is constantly processing and working hard to keep us “safe.” But sometimes what has been “safe” in the past is no longer aligned with what we need. 

We start learning money mindsets and beliefs early in life (prior to about age 7). These are instilled in us by family, environment, culture, and experiences. These beliefs can be edited positively and negatively through experiences such as financial traumas and conscious work on our mental health. However, it is still our subconscious mind that is usually the real decision maker in the equation.

What if my subconscious beliefs are no longer in alignment with my goals?

If there is conflict between your conscious values and your subconscious beliefs. This will create a money block. One telltale sign of this dissonance is knowing something to be true in your heart, but not feeling that it’s fully in your heart. You may also feel that you are taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Getting all parts of yourself on the same page about your values, goals, and direction is an important part of sustainable forward movement. 

If you suspect you have a money block (or any core belief that’s not serving you anymore), there are a few therapeutic options to consider in working through this. One of the more effective options available today is Ketamine-Assisted Therapy. Ketamine-Assisted Therapy or Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy uses ketamine to help address some of these deeply seater wounds, challenges, and beliefs. By working with all parts of the self, making the subconscious conscious, we can create alignment towards your goals. By forming a deeper and more compassionate relationship with yourself, you are able to embrace a more peaceful relationship with your money. 

There’s a lot more to changing your relationship with money than taking the medication though. This type of work usually involves getting to know yourself and the many facets of you. Getting some insight into where these money blocks are rooted and what they are protecting is an important part of the work. There is also movement made between dosing sessions. This is where you will focus on learning new habits and putting into practice the new beliefs you are working to instill in your heart. 

During the ketamine therapy sessions, we’ll spend time reviewing intentions and hopes for the dosing piece. You’ll experience a deep journey that brings clarity to your needs and create alignment with your values, beliefs, and behaviors. There is often forgiveness, reconciliation, understanding, and deep compassion for the parts of ourselves that are working hard to protect us. 

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is a highly effective means of getting to know yourself and instilling more helpful (and truthful) money beliefs. If you have been working on your financial goals for sometime and not made the strides you like, Ketamine therapy may be a route to consider. 

Learn more about Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy.


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