Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Individual, Group, or Retreat? What’s right for you?

Psychedelics have fully entered the mental health scene, and there is a lot of confusion around what this means, how they’re used, and what to look for. This makes understanding your options confusing and convoluted. Focusing on ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (because that’s what is legally available right now) let’s break down a few offerings.

The furtle and jungle-esc landscape of psychedelics is varied and tangled and new options and treatments are popping up everywhere. The good news about this is, whatever your needs are, you’ll likely find the perfect fit. There are retreats, groups, therapy offices, infusion centers, and more. Here are some of the differences.

First, what is ketamine-assisted psychotherapy?

Ketamine-assisted therapy is a therapeutic tool that uses ketamine to help the client in healing trauma, working through depression, and coming to a more complete understanding of themselves. It is used to treat a large variety of mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, trauma, CPTSD, suicidality, and OCD. It can also be incorporated into an overall wellness experience that fosters a deeper understanding of self, the universe, and peace. The medicine is very good at removing mental and emotional blocks as well as helping the brain to break from destructive thought cycles. Many of my clients have expressed that it feels like the lightning track to healing.

How it works - You’ll meet with a therapist like myself, and we will talk about your history, goals, and blocks. We’ll get to know each other, build a sense of rapport and safety, discuss your intentions and hopes for therapy, and start to learn ways to incorporate the ketamine-assisted therapy into your life. This piece usually happens over a few sessions. 

Once we agree it is a good time to introduce the ketamine, we will schedule a dosing session. This session lasts 2 ½ to 3 hours. During this time we will review your intentions and goals. We will set the scene both internally and externally for the highest sense of security and peace. You will ingest the medicine, usually orally or sometimes intramuscularly. You will have a deep journey through healing and understanding yourself. Once the medicine’s effects start to wear off, we will discuss your experience and how to use this in your life going forward. We will meet again within a few days for a 1 hour session to focus on integrating your experience into your daily life. This helps to solidify the effects of the dosing session and create lasting change in your life. When we agree it's time for another dosing session, we will repeat the whole process.

Now what modality is right for you?

Individual Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

There are pros and cons to each, of course, so let’s start by addressing individual. The cool thing about individual ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is it is completely tailored to your needs. You can be flexible with how and when you schedule your sessions. You and your therapist can decide on timing that is optimal for you. You will also get individualized attention from your therapist. They will be able to solely focus on your and your goals. Individual ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is also more private. Only you and your therapist will know what was said. This would be a good option if you prefer to move at your own pace or if you would like the added layer of confidentiality.

My clients have expressed the biggest drawback to individual ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is the cost. Groups and retreats are usually more cost effective per session, but with the individual route you are able to customize your treatment with your budget in mind.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Retreats

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Retreats are another powerful way to access the benefits of psychedelic medicine. Retreats can be conducted in group style or individual style. They typically include several overnight stays in a remote or nature focused location. Most retreats offer 2-4 medicine experiences, several group integration sessions, other group activities (hiking, yoga, meals), and plenty of time for rest, relaxation, and reflection. You will usually get access to other wellness professionals during the retreat (yoga teachers, massage therapists, energy workers). Retreats are great because they take you out of all the noise of your busy life. You get to truly focus on connecting with you for those days. They can also be very bonding for couples, friends, colleagues, and community. You will have multiple ketamine experiences within one retreat. There is research that suggests condensing ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions into a smaller time frame can increase the overall efficacy of the medication. There is something so, so healing about being in a place where you can truly let go without worrying about planning meals, getting a ride home, being distracted by work emails. Allowing ourselves to be taken care of in such a way can really add to the healing and overall experience.

There are 2 big drawbacks to retreats. 1 They can be expensive. There is a huge variety in prices and experiences, but there is no doubt, it's an investment. 2 Your home life doesn’t change. You will be returning back to the same work and home environment exactly how you left it. This can create dissonance and strife. This can be managed by adding integration therapy sessions in the weeks and months following the retreat.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Groups

Groups are conducted several weeks in a row. They will offer a mix of medicine experiences and group discussion. Simply taking part in this kind of experience with a group can be powerful. You will get feedback and insights from the therapist running the group and from the group members themselves. Connecting with others in a shared psychedelic moment often leads to more connection, community, and growth. Copper Well Groups also offer a variety of other wellness services including Reiki, yoga, massage, and art therapy which is not available individually. Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Groups are able to titrate your medicine sessions and your daily life. This means integration is usually more incorporated and seamless because you are not completely leaving your daily life as you would be in a retreat setting. Groups are also normally the most affordable option.

Groups run on a set schedule so are more consistent but less customizable than individual ketamine therapy. With a ketamine-assisted psychotherapy group, you are giving up the privacy and precision of an individual treatment plan, but you will gain benefit from journeying with others.

The good things about all these modalities are 1 they are usually very effective and 2 you can mix and experience them all as they suit your needs. Copper Well Counseling offers all 3 modalities. For more information on ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and the services offered send me an email at or schedule a time to chat

Learn more about current and upcoming groups and retreats here.


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